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Online Ordering Hotline 616-350-8549

Blog - Shipping

The Heat Is ON!

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 THE HEAT IS ON! As you know this time of the year we tend to experience high heat index across the United States. To ensure 100% quality powder coating we will be also watching shipping dates. As you know powder starts to cure in its shipping box well before it gets to you if the delivery truck is too warm. So to help protect your investment we will keep you updated on your shipments just like normal through email. Your order is updated through the fulfillment and delivery process. In the case of us holding your package due to a weekend stay in a UPS truck we will notify you.

We have only had a few product issues the last few years due to the powder hardening before arrival. However, the worst thing possible can happen when you promise a customer a finish date to only find out you can’t spray the powder when you receive it. We will do our best to choose the fastest shipping option to get it to you as soon as possible but sometimes the shipment days can be quite lengthy. If you have any questions on keeping your product safe and shipped at a later date you can message us, write a note on your order, or call the office 616.350.8549.

REMINDER: MIT Powder Coatings is not responsible for powder left in the high temps. Please make sure you view your tracking numbers and have someone available to get your package into a cool and dry area as soon as possible.

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