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Moving Forward with a Change

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Only recently have I realized change is good. Life, business and relationships require change.  Change is a process. The old way can bring back the feeling of nostalgia.  But the new way is most often superior by FAR.  Which reminds me of how important it is to look FORWARD, NOT BEHIND.  It’s the old handcart (pallet jack) or Hilo scenario.  One works, however the other is far superior.  But sometimes I like to use the old handcart for the nostalgia and ease of use.


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Business relationships, work, friends, and life choices revolve around respect.  People have respect for those who in turn respect others.  I’ve often wondered why people litter, after all a trash can is usually within walking distance....almost everywhere.  Recently driving down one of the signed "Natural beauty" roads here in Sparta/Rockford area I observed, used tires, trash, couch, cushions, and even a deer carcass.  Why I ask.  Is it lack of respect. Sadly in life there exist people who operate with no respect. They don't respect others or they wouldn't do it.  Fundamentally they must not respect themselves because choices, motivations and desires come from within.  The community we operate in lives with our daily choices.  Forced to deal with a small percentage of people who have no respect for others we are left to face small things like littering.

Its' no surprise that these people currently live with negative results of choices and past failures. That’s not to say that people can’t change. They can and they some do. They have to respect for themselves and others enough to want to. 

I love my job at  MIT Powder Coatings. I come to work every day with not just the desire to sort, box, in process, load, unload, bag, weigh, stack, inventory, spray powder coating, build, fix, sweep, clean, or a dozen of other job duties, but with the desire to do the best I can with the resources I'm given is a old process I learned growing up.  That’s what makes for a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.  Feeling accomplished is what keeps me motivated and coming back day in and day out. 

On that note it's back to work for me.  I have things that i need to accomplish today.  Today make a change that will bring back the feeling of nostalgia.

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