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Mass-Production vs. Uniqueness

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Mass-Production vs. Uniqueness

Have you walked past the spray paint aisle at your big box hardware store lately???

Have you noticed the HUGE variety of colors and finishes you can find these days???

I remember even, 10 years ago, you couldn’t find half of the colors and finishes you find right now.

So that just tells us something: People like to paint, and people have a need for different colors or textures to fulfill their preference for their item.

I remember when spray paint was only used for “graffiti” or “sloppy/lazy/quick fix” paint job.

I think I came up with the reason why the spray paint industry has changed so much:


During the 20th century mass production became something extremely important in our market. Huge companies producing thousands and thousands of items, all of them exactly the same.

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Think of outdoor furniture, home décor, etc.

Right now, we just don’t want that. Anything that is mass-produced is considered “cheap” and not unique, and these days all we want is to have unique items, that reflect our personalities and life styles.

Even in the last years, it is overwhelming the amount of people buying used furniture, yes your old oak dresser, and people painting it in a completely different solid color, distressing it, aging it, using crackle finishes, and even applying metallic hues….As a result a unique item, that nobody else will have.

So obviously, paint companies are taking advantage of that need, and they offer you a wide range of possibilities.

I know people that go to thrift stores, garage sales or even cheap home décor places (you know made in China stuff) and they end up spray painting the item, so it is different, unique.

I believe that the powder coating industry, could definitely take more advantage of this need.

We all know, that while spray paint is something you can do in your garage, it is not as durable, it has high  VOC’s and doesn’t protect as well. So if you want something with your personal touch but you also are interested in durability and protection, as well as a flawless finish (no drips and no cracks) powder coating is the way to go.

Couple months ago, I came across a website of a small company that sells  metal dog bowls and metal chain dog leashes. When we think about those items, we just visualize a plain stainless steel dog bowl and a plain chain. Well, these bowls and dog leashes come in different sizes, but what caught my attention is that they come in a variety of colors, and textures. Yep! They are all Powder coated! Pink, fuchsia, teal, yellow, green,  blue, any color you can imagine! And the best part? People buy them. People love them! People don’t want the regular mass-produced silver dog bowl; they want something unique and personalized.

I’m sure you agree that powder coating vs spray paint is like talking about two different worlds. The application, the preparation of the piece and the equipment needed are very different, however I really hope that we see a new type of small businesses take advantage of the present need for personalization and uniqueness, as the spray paint companies had done, and they could provide services to the person that comes into their shop and wants to paint their chair, or their desk, or their metal bucket in the flamingo pink they want, but they cannot find anywhere in stores.

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Hopefully this is something that we can see more in the future, the same way that upholstery businesses personalize items, powder coaters should do the same at a reasonable price and I’m sure it will be successful.

Personally I have a metal standing wine rack that I found at a garage sale and I powder coated it. I also have cheap metal wall plug plates in my house and I had them powder coated as well. I can tell you nobody has the same wall plates as I do. So yes, that makes me feel unique ha ha.

Powder coating is not just for machines, auto parts and racks; it can be used in so many things!! Powder coating is not just  black, gray or  white; we do have a very wide range of colors too! Let’s take advantage of the present consumer needs.

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